The U.S. Financial Regulatory Week Ahead

June 17 - 21, 2024

This week, Washington is experiencing a notable lull, primarily due to the Juneteenth holiday falling in the middle of the week.  The House of Representatives is on a break, and the Senate, although in session except on Wednesday, has a very light schedule.  This quiet period provides an opportunity to reflect on the recent activities and events in the financial regulatory sector.

Most federal regulators have little to no public events or meetings scheduled for this week, either.  CFTC Chair Rostin Behnam will be in Salzburg, Austria, to speak at the 2024 Salzburg Global Seminar Finance Forum.  SEC Chair Gary Gensler will give a keynote speech virtually at the Accelerated Settlement in the UK Conference, which will be held in person in London.

Last week was very active, highlighted by the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee, each holding their semiannual Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) review hearings.  Republicans on both committees took hard swings at CFPB Director Rohit Chopra’s agenda.   This came as Republicans introduced new legislation that would give Congress direct funding approval and oversight of the CFPB (currently, the agency draws its budget from the Federal Reserve). 

Also last week, the House Financial Services Committee held a tough oversight hearing into the scandals tainting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and its Chair, Marty Gruenberg.  The two partners from the law firm Cleary Gottlieb, who conducted an independent investigation into the scandals, testified.  Also testifying were Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu and Johnathan McKernan, both directors of the FDIC.   It was a tough hearing and showed the political split on the board.  Hsu said it would be better for Gruenberg to stay until a replacement was named and confirmed by the Senate, and McKernan (a Republican) said Gruenberg should leave now.

However, these headlines were overtaken by the White House announcement of President Biden’s intention to nominate CFTC Commissioner Christy Goldsmith Romero to replace Gruenberg.  But that will not quiet the calls for Gruenberg to leave now – mainly because the political odd makers do not see Romero getting confirmed anytime soon – if ever.  Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) cheered her nomination and called her “my kind of gal.”  That is enough of a warning bell for Senate Republicans who were already aware that Romero had been strongly anti-bank during her tenure at the CFTC, usually siding with progressive groups on various policy issues.  Considering it is an election year – meaning the Senate calendar is pretty short between now and November, and traditionally, little gets done anyway – we think it is a long shot for Romero to get confirmed this year.

Below is a complete listing of what is happening at the financial regulatory agencies this week and in Congress.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

U.S. Congressional Hearings

 U.S. Senate

·       There are no financial/regulatory-related hearings scheduled at this time.


House of Representatives

·       The House is not in session this week.


Joint Committees

·       There are no hearings scheduled at this time.

US Regulatory Meetings & Events

Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Banks

  • ·Tuesday, June 18, 9:00 a.m. – Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Barkin to participate in an MNI Webcast discussion.

  • Tuesday, June 18, 12:30 p.m. Central Time: St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President Alberto Musalem will speak at the CFA Society St. Louis luncheon.

  • Tuesday, June 18, 12:00 p.m. Central Time: Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Lorie Logan will participate in a moderated question-and-answer session before the Headliners Club Speaker Series in Austin, Texas.

  • Tuesday, June 18, 1:00 p.m. – Federal Reserve Board Governor Adriana D. Kugler gives a speech on  “The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy” at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, D.C.

  • Thursday, June 20, 6;30 p.m. – Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Thomas Barkin to speak before the Risk Management Association in Richmond, Virginia.


U.S. Treasury Department

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


Department of Housing and Urban Development

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


Securities and Exchange Commission

  • Thursday, June 20 – 9:30 a.m. – SEC Chair Gary Gensler will give a virtual keynote followed by Q&A at the Accelerated Settlement in the UK Conference, which is being held in London.


Commodities Futures Trading Commission



  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


National Credit Union Administration

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


Federal Trade Commission & Department of Justice Antitrust Division

  • Thursday, June 20, 12:30 p.m. – The Federal Trade Commission holds a Closed Meeting.


Farm Credit Administration

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


International Monetary Fund & World Bank

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


North American Securities Administrators Association

  • There are no significant events scheduled at this time.


Trade Associations & Think Tank Events

Trade Associations

Thursday, June 20 – SIFMA co-hosts with E&A their annual Broker-Deal Symposium in New York.


Think Tanks and Other Events

 Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to be added to our email distribution list.


The Global Week Ahead


Iowa Farm Bureau 2024 Economic Summit