Recommended Weekend Reads:

January 27 -29, 2023

We thought you might find the following useful reading.  Let us know what you think and if you or a colleague want to be added to our distribution list.  Have a great weekend.

·       “China Increasingly Relies on Imported Food. That’s a Problem” Council on Foreign Relations

China has increased its reliance on food imports over the past two decades – reaching a record high of 687 million tons in 2022 – prompting concerns among officials who worry that disruptions to food supply chains could trigger domestic unrest. In particular, this reliance has heightened China’s sensitivity to food supply disruptions caused by geopolitical tensions, such as Russia’s war in Ukraine.

·       “U.S. LNG: Remapping Energy Security” Center for Strategic and International Studies

This interactive report details how the natural gas market radically shifted in 2022 following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Since then, energy security in Europe—and globally—now rests on U.S. natural gas exports. So what is the future of US LNG production and which countries are increasingly dependent on it?

“The US Demographic Outlook: 2023 to 2053” Congressional Budget Office

In CBO’s projections, the U.S. population will increase from 336 million in 2023 to 373 million in 2053.  Population growth is increasingly driven by net immigration, which accounts for all population growth beginning in 2042.

·       Dolphins Spotted Swimming in New York City’s Bronx River” New Scientist

Once an industrial waste dumpsite, the Bronx River is now healthy enough to host marine species – including dolphins – that it hasn’t seen in years


Charts of the Week:

The first chart we wanted to highlight this week goes to the Congressional Budget Office report on the U.S. demographic outlook noted above.  Within two decades, America’s population gains will be entirely driven by immigrants.  And much of it will come in the so-called prime-age bracket (25-54 years old).

Our second chart we wanted to share goes to the announcement this week that White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain is stepping down and is being replaced by Jeff Zients and hints other senior staff are preparing to leave. This chart shows the turnover is well within the norm for second year of an Administration.


The Global Week Ahead: January 29 - February 5, 2023


The Global Week Ahead January 22-29, 2023: