Talking Geopolitics, Elections, and the Growing Intense Demands on the Electrical Grid Sector

The Corn Belt Power Cooperative Annual Meeting

I was thrilled and honored to speak at the Corn Belt Annual Meeting in Fort Dodge, Iowa, yesterday (April 3, 2024). It was a trip to God’s country - the beauty and grandeur of the Hawkeye State all around me as I was given the privilege to speak to leaders of the energy sector of Iowa on what is going on in the world today and how it directly is impacting them - U.S. Election outlook, Congressional outlook, the future of China, India, Russia, and the rest of the world.

There is something cathartic about engaging and talking with hard-working, clear-eyed folks like those in attendance at the Corn Belt Power meeting. The questions are deeply thoughtful, penetrating, and challenging. Add to this that the attendees are just wonderful folks—Iowa Nice, as they say! All around, it was a superb event!

You can see my presentation below.


U.S. Financial Regulatory Week Ahead


A Superb Panel in Palm Beach