Global Calendar April 25 - May 1, 2022

This is Fulcrum Macro Advisors weekly calendar of key political and economic events we are watching in the coming week.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Political/Social Events –

Economic Reports/Events –

  • US Chicago Fed national activity index (Mar), Dallas Fed manufacturing index (Apr)

  • South Korea GDP growth rate figures

  • Japan leading economic index (Feb), unemployment rate (Mar)

  • Spain PPIs

  • Turkey business confidence (Apr), capacity utilization (Apr)

  • Germany ifo Business Climate (Apr), ifo Current Conditions (Apr), ifo Expectations (Apr)

  • Eurozone construction output (Mar)

  • UK CBI industrial trends orders (Apr), CBI business optimism Index Q2

  • Brazil Central Bank focus market readout,  consumer confidence (Apr), current account (Feb, Mar), FDI (Feb, Mar), federal tax revenue (Mar)

  • Mexico's economic activity reports (Feb)


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Political/Social Events –

Economic Reports/Events –

  • World Trade Organization Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Duties

  • US durable goods (Mar), non-defense goods orders (Mar), S&P/Case-Shiller home prices (Feb), new home sales (Mar), Richmond Fed manufacturing index (Apr), Dallas Fed services index (Apr)

  • China industrial profits (Mar)

  • South Korea's consumer confidence (Apr)

  • Australia's inflation rate figures

  • Indonesia FDI (Q1)

  • South Africa's leading business cycle indicators (Feb)

  • Mexico retail sales (Feb)

  • Argentina retail sales (Feb)


Wednesday 27, 2022

Political/Social Events –

  • Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif visits Saudi Arabia for his first state visit

  • Somalia to elect Speaker and Deputies of Senate.

  • Israel’s Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day

  • Sierra Leon celebrates National Day

  • South Africa celebrates Freedom Day marking the date when Nelson Mandela was elected President in 1994

Economic Reports/Events –

  • World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body meets in Geneva

  • US MBA Purchase Index and other mortgage data including pending home sales,  Wholesale Inventories, Goods Trade Balance (Mar), Retail Inventories (Mar), EIA Gasoline Stocks Changes and other oil/distillates data

  • Russia GDP (Feb, Mar), Unemployment Rate (Mar), Retail Sales (Mar), Real Wage Growth (Feb), Industrial Production (Mar), Corporate Profits (Feb), Business Confidence (Apr)

  • Canada Employment Change (Feb)

  • Germany GfK Consumer Confidence (May)

  • France Consumer Confidence (Apr)

  • South Korea Business Confidence (Apr)

  • Japan Retail Sales (Mar), Industrial Production (Mar), Bank of Japan monetary policy meeting/Interest Rate Decision, Bank of Japan Quarterly Outlook Report

  • Mexico Balance of Trade (Mar)

  • Brazil IBC-Br Economic Activity (Feb), Bank Lending (Feb, Mar)

  • Zambia inflation (Apr), trade data (Mar)



Thursday, April 28, 2022

Political/Social Events –

Economic Reports/Events –

  • US GDP (Q1), Initial Jobless Claims (Apr), PCE Prices, Real Consumer Spending, Kansas Fed Manufacturing Index (Apr)

  • China Caixin Manufacturing PMI (Apr)

  • Canada CFIB Business Barometer (Apr)

  • Spain Business Confidence (Apr), Construction Orders (Mar), inflation rate (Apr), Unemployment Rate (Mar)

  • Italy Economic Confidence (Apr), Business Confidence (Apr), Consumer Confidence (Apr), Industrial Sales (Apr)

  • France Unemployment figures (Mar)

  • Germany's Inflation Rate figures

  • Eurozone Economic Sentiment (Apr), Consumer Sentiment (Apr), Consumer Inflation Expectations (Apr)

  • Japan Housing Starts (Mar), Construction Orders (Mar)

  • South Korea Industrial Production (Mar), Retail Sales (Mar), Manufacturing Production (Mar), Construction Output (Mar)

  • Australia PPIs

  • Brazil PPIs

  • Mexico Unemployment figures (Mar)

  • Turkey Inflation Report

  • South Africa PPIs

  • Botswana Central Bank rate decision



Friday, April 29, 2022

Political/Social Events –

  • Russian President Putin to hold meetings on Russia’s metallurgical industry which has been hit hard by global sanctions

  • Portugal’s parliament to vote on the working majority Socialist budget draft

Economic Reports/Events –

  • US Consumer spending (Mar)Personal Income (Mar), PCE Price Indexes, Chicago PMI (Apr), Michigan Consumer Expectations (Apr)

  • China NBS Manufacturing PMI (Apr), Non-Manufacturing PMI (Apr), General PMI (Apr)

  • France GDP, PPIs, Inflation figures (Q1), Household Consumption (Mar)

  • Germany GDP figures, Import Prices (Mar)

  • Italy GDP (Q1), PPIs (Mar), Inflation Rate figures (Apr)

  • Spain GDP (Q1), Retail Sales (Mar), Current Account (Feb)

  • Turkey Balance of Trade (Mar)

  • Eurozone Loans to Households, Loans to Companies (Mar)

  • Russia Central Bank interest rate decision

  • Mexico GDP

  • India Infrastructure Output (Mar), FX Reserves (Mar)

  • Brazil Unemployment Rate (Mar), Nominal Budget Balance (Feb)

  • Canada GDP (Feb), Raw Materials Prices (Mar), Budget Balance (Feb)

  • Argentina Consumer Confidence (Apr)

  • Kenya inflation numbers (Apr)

  • Uganda inflation numbers (Apr)


Saturday, April 30, 2022

Political/Social Events –

  • Vietnam celebrates Liberation Day – the anniversary of the fall of Saigon to Communists.

Economic Reports/Events –

  • South Korea Exports/Imports/Balance of Trade (Apr)


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Political/Social Events –

  • US takes over rotating Presidency of the UN Security Council from the UK

  • 2nd round of US-UK Trade Dialogue to be held in Aberdeen, Scotland

  • China starts five-day May Day holiday

  • May Day celebrated in various countries

Economic Reports/Events –

  • No major reports/events to report.



Read Around the World in a Weekend April


CSIS’ “Critical Questions” - The Next Wave is Not a Covid-19 Wave: Debt Sustainability in Developing Countries